It is true that it is possible to buy and sell homes without using a real estate professional. Although possible, it is not recommended. Many who have tried to sell or buy a home without using a professional agent have said that in the end the costs and emotional stress were more than what it would have been if they had hired a professional from the start. Below you will find just a few reasons why homeowners should not automatically rule out the idea of hiring a real estate agent to help with the purchase or sale of their home.
Improved Access and Convenience
When you do something over and over again you are able to simplify the process; you achieve an exact science in completing the task at hand. This is what realtors offer to buyers and sellers. The agent will link the two parties together which offers better exposure for both of them. An agent works to close offers efficiently and quicker. Homeowners choosing to buy or sell a home without the help of an agent actually end up missing a great number of interested parties because they lack the same resources that an agent has.
Negotiating is Harder Then It Seems
It is a myth that homeowners save themselves a ton of money by negotiating the sale or purchase of a home on their own. Negotiating is hard when emotions are involved; both parties believe that their offer has more benefits than the others. An agent has experience connecting the buyer and the seller. This allows the messages that they both have to be conveyed in a less emotional manner helping the other to perceive it in a better manner. Real estate agents have proven negotiating skills and have experience in convincing people to come to an agreement.
Real Estate Contract Are Complicated
Anytime a contract is involved it is important to be sure that what is stated is what you had agreed upon when speaking. Even if you agreed that the appliances were to stay if it is not stated in the contract there is nothing legally binding to ensure that occurs. An agent knows exactly what needs to be included or omitted in a real estate offer and an end contract. This alone can save buyers and sellers the amount they are paying for theprofessional real estate services an agent provides.
Buying and selling homes is an intricate process. The steps are compounded with the stress that homeowners naturally feel when big decisions loom overhead. With all of the paperwork that needs to be done, questions to be answered and deals to be negotiated it is impossible for homeowners to flow through the process without complications. That is why real estate agents are an absolute necessity when buying or selling a home.
Lady of the Lakes Real Estate is Livingston County’s premiere realtor; out of Pinckney, Michigan helping buyers buy and sellers sell homes that provide a recreational lifestyle including golf courses, lakes and the Huron river chain of lakes, throughout Brighton, Howell, Pinckney and the surrounding area. Find out more at