The idea of cleaning is to clean up significant items in the hope that a new buyer would like to see if you do not have the fund to buy new ones. Pay particular attention to the kitchen, bathroom, and the balcony. You need to clean up all significant items in these areas. Your real estate agent should advise on other places that need cleaning.Take out Personal Items & Clutter
Before you remove the clutter the home to get it ready for sale, make sure you remove all your personal belongings to make the house ready for the new buyer. After you removed all personal belongings, you need to remove clutter from the home, remove everything not contributing to the resale purpose. When you remove clutter you free the home of impediment and it gives the impression of larger space to attract prospective buyers.Sanitize
The primary purpose of sanitizing as a staging process is to rid the environment of offensive odors. Take time to clean up the walls, furniture and scrub the floor and deodorize. The cleaning process would remove strong odor-causing germs and dirt, but you need to purposely disinfect the environment to make it friendlier to prospective buyers.Rearrange Rooms & Define Space
Unless it’s an open space, you need to rearrange every room where you have the room items in place. Also, describe the purpose of each room and let the things in such room meet the goal it is defined to serve. If necessary, consider painting the rooms that could use some fresh paints in the staging process.Lighting
This is not about electric light; we are talking about natural lighting from the environment. A well-lit home also means natural ventilation that promotes good health in the house. As you prepare for staging, take care of broken windows; fix the blinds and all fixtures that promote lighting.Bring out the Aesthetics
Pay close attention to the curb to boost its look. Buyers are interested in what they see, and if it looks good and convincing, nothing is stopping them from making an offer if the fund is available.Furniture
Let the furniture be the perfect size for their space to avoid cluttering the room. The furniture needs to make each room look bigger and not shrinks it. Make sure to use appropriate furniture that befits the environment.Improve the Exterior
Your home’s exterior is the first point of contact with buyers, so you need to see to it that it’s the best you can offer. A real estate company should suggest great landscaping ideas to make your exterior look perfect.Before concluding the staging process, it is best to go over every element in the process to ensure a thorough job has been delivered. Allow a real estate agent to reevaluate the home and point out any area that may need additional staging done to it. After that, you are ready for the market.
Learn more about C21 Lady of the Lakes Realtors and the numerous services they offer including: buying a new home, selling a home, or renting a home at To contact one of our real estate agents call 734-426-6060 today.